Monday 19 October 2015

Early morning wednesday 30th September

Jo at Mwnt, Pembrokeshire

Plodding lightly up the steep slope, fuelled with an inner smile of anticipation, we rose with the sun.

Mwnt. Backbone to a massive beached sea creature, resting. On your ridge I sink between vertebrae, my spine joins yours, enlivened in our up-side down surveying of the circular horizon. 

Spines send limbs in all directions.

To follow the moon's course over horizon's edge. Joining the parallel horizontals of cirrocumulus receding.

To follow the rough toothsome bite of rock up into salt water depths. Down over undulating hills, both wild wooded and bare sheep-shaven. This fine cornucopian skin of The Earth. My home.

Furry in my coat I am wrapped in rock, sky and my precarious tango with gravity. 

My spread limbs appear as some kind of compass clock, belonging. Precise.
To be witnessed with such embodied sensitivity brings a purr to my form as I softly pad towards her, smiling from plait to plait.

From an edge below I watch. There is a gentle singing rock creature, embedded into this close by craggy silhouette. Behind her, wide blue emptiness, beneath her, a secret life of belonging. I watch til the only visible sign of her is a gentle hand releasing its grasp of the rock.
I move up and limpet-like, I discover her embrace of our world on the sea edge with gypsy permanence: grounded, wild beauty.

Laura at Mwnt, Pembrokeshire

wonderful morning
spine limpets and sunshine
swam afterwards on an uncoming tide, so natureful

Bee at Devils Dyke, E. Sussex

soft dappled greengolden curve of the Down brings me into my belly

Clare at Bunces, E. Sussex

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